Sunday, February 14, 2016

This blog is about all things Tekumel, but especially all things Pechani. The world created by Professor MAR Barker has been a source of interest to me for decades, and has provided countless hours of enjoyment. Thanks Phil!
I have been fascinated by the world of Tekumel since the mid 1980's when a friend of mine in High School first showed me the Different Worlds printing of  EPT.  I remember going through the rules and the S&G Sourcebook, and being amazed at the complexity and uniqueness of the world. No mistake, it quickly became evident to me that this was a labour of love. There were no familiar Western European and Norse motifs. Dragons weren't hiding in caves and abandoned fortresses waiting to pounce on unwary adventurers. And most surprisingly, to me, there were no Orcs! When I discovered the Ssu, specifically the picture I've posted to the left,  I was hooked on the spot. I had been desperately trying to infuse some novelty into my AD&D game, which was at its height,  for years and finally I saw a light at the end of the tunnel, or perhaps I should say in the dungeon. I infused countless small elements from Tekumel into my cobbled together fantasy world, and ultimately was able to bring the party into Tsolyanu proper where they took Tsolyani identities and adventured for many years. Becoming great champions for the Temples of Ksarul, Vimuhla, and Sarku the erstwhile "Turigand", "Panthagarus" and "Rokeb", respectively,  created paths of mayhem, avoiding the "high ride" only by luck and the efforts of their subtle comrade "Craggy", a master thief, who spent his vast fortune bribing various Jakallan officials. However, Tsolyanu eventually became too hot for them forcing them to split up and go into hiding. In fact, those characters, which were created in 1984, are still alive and living all over the place: one in Western Tsolyanu, one in the City of Sarku, one in Pechano, and one somewhere in Salarvya. I should really figure out what they've been up to all this time.  Perhaps one day we'll return and gather them all together and bring them back to my world...
Let's see how this blog goes.


  1. So the whispers of the Mihalli are true.
    Interesting - most interesting.

  2. Have no dealings with the Mihalli. No good can come of it. I thought the noble Turisan would have learnt that lesson by now.
