Monday, February 22, 2016

Some Miniatures

I recently “discovered” a great blog: “chirine’s workbench” . Created by a member of MAR Barker’s “Thursday Night Group”, a founding member no less, it serves as a great forum where one can learn what it was like to adventure in Phil’s Tékumel. Not only are there many wonderful anecdotes, but Chirine is also a prolific miniature collector and painter. He has miniatures dating back to the mid ‘70s, many of which were used in the game and served to represent PC’s. Ever wonder what Dave Arneson’s Capt Harchar, or Sword-Swinger looked like? Well go to Chirine’s blog and find out!
Taking this trip back in time has inspired me to dust off some old miniatures (literally) and buy some new ones. My plan is to get a good solid core of the Shemek’s old unit, the Nchésh of the Splendid Slayers of Ssü, and hopefully get them on the table top soon. In the mean time I decided to do some individual minis which I plan on using in the game I recently started. 

I haven’t completely decided on a colour scheme, but this mini (an old Ral Partha Chaos Warrior I believe) screams Vimúhla to me so I think that it will have to have some orange on it. 

The second miniature which I believe is an ancient (pre 40k) Citadel: Warrior of Chaos and I believe that I may have used him as a proxy for Shemek back in the day. 

Any way, I will post updates on the WIP, and once I get my feet wet with these two I will start to repaint the original Shemek hiTankolel.     



  1. You are correct on the 2nd figure - it is indeed an old Citadel warrior of chaos figure. I have it from a boxed set I brought back from England in the 80's I believe.

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